Processing No.1
I have been fooling around with an open-source coding software called Processing and loosely following a tutorial by Dan Shiffman of The Coding Train.
Processing is a visual coding sketchbook, created with the intention of inspiring more people to learn how to code.
In this silly example, I've created smiling emoji face with pupils that change colour as you move the mouse around the X and Y axis. The colours used are RGB, so instead of assigning static numbers to each colour, I've used a variable that determines colour based on where the user's mouse is. In this particular case, R(ed) is picking up colour from movement along the X axis, G(reen) has a static value of 255 and B(lue) is picking up colour along the Y axis. I could assign a variable value to Green as well, but I didn't feel like it.
The other fun thing about this goofy little illustration, is that it was drawn entirely with lines of code.
Why am I doing this?
It is fun.